Friday, March 21, 2008

Great news from Dr Mumbles*

Our resident disaster area has officially not got malaria or dengue fever.

At least, the seventy-odd year old doctor who took his blood tests seem confident of this. He may not really be seventy, but he seems to me to be retirement age at least. His consultations usually involve long anecdotes about other patients, or, on this occasion, reading aloud from the textbook on all the awful tropical diseases one can pick up and die of, which is obviously greatly reassuring to a patient with a virus/fever.

Last month I was waiting outside the consultation room when he briskly shambled past me exclaiming "'I need more of the RED pills!'"
It's the way medical care should be. Possibly in your nightmares.**

*NOT his real name.

** Please note that despite his eccentric approach to patient confidentiality, he has always been there for us, even at 4am, and I am actually truly grateful for the availability of an english speaking doctor.

1 comment:

TheBoyandMe said...

Does he have an abundant supply of blue pills left?

Too many people wanting to question their existence out there?

Take the blue pill, you end up not finding out why your eyes are hurting.